
原名:停不了的愛   又名:靓妹仔续集之停不了的爱 / Everlasting Love

状态:正片   更新:2024-01-23 06:01:56

梁家姐弟三人,大姐佩君(温碧霞 饰)遇人不淑,男友在她怀孕后甩手而去,十七岁的佩君为了照顾幼子以及一妹一弟,在父亲入狱后做舞女承担起了家庭的责任。二姐露露(李丽珍 饰)在女校读书,但叛逆的年纪里她无心向学,结交飞车青年纵乐度日。佩君在夜总会偶遇抛弃自己的前男友,愤怒至极将对方刺伤,结果被判入感化院半年……重获自由的佩君开始为婚姻打算,恰巧再次偶遇有一面之缘的实习医生Eric(刘德华 饰),佩君与Eric彼此颇有好感,二人很快陷入了热恋。但相对出身上层社会的Eric一家,佩君自感无法融入那个陌生的世界,但是为了体味爱情的幸福感觉,佩君隐藏身份和Eric交往,三个月后,Eric完成实习即将赶回美国,佩君将要面对梦醒时分……Lau's character (Eric) played an intern doctor who met briefly PK by chance in a tourist district when they took pictures for a German tourist. PK, an unwed teen mother, was a hostess at a night club who supported her younger brother and sister as well as his 1 y.o. son. PK ended in prison for 6 months for attacking the father of her son. PK met Eric after her release in prison at a restaurant. They really hit it off. PK planned to spend 3 months with Eric and to leave him afterwards, knowing that her real identity would prevent them from being together. Eventually, she revealed to Eric her real job. The climax of the movie resulted in Eric confronting PK at the club.
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