
原名:South Riding   又名:

状态:更新至3集   更新:2023-08-23 02:08:46

故事发生在20世纪30年代的约克郡,第一次世界大战刚刚结束,30岁的女子萨拉(安娜·麦克西维尔·马丁 Anna Maxwell Martin 饰)从伦敦返回故乡,在那里,她成为了一所女子高中的嚣张。伦敦是一个繁华的大都市,萨拉在那里培养了很多非常先锋的思想,再度回到闭塞又保守的老家,她的理念和当地人古板的观念之间发生了非常激烈的碰撞。   然而,萨拉内心里对教育的热情没有被消磨半分,她将知识和思想无孔不入的灌输给手下的学生们,将她们闭塞的生命开拓得充满了对未来的希望。一个名叫罗伯特(大卫·莫瑞瑟 David Morrissey 饰)的男人的出现打乱了萨拉的生活节奏,她无法相信,这个曾经和自己水火不容的农夫,如今竟然如此富有魅力。Set in the 1930s, Britain is in depression and still scarred by the effects of World War I. Young and passionate Sarah Burton returns to her conservative home-county, bursting with modern ideas. As the new headmistress in South Riding, she inspires her girls --including Lydia Holly, a scholarship student from the slums-- to think for themselves. But not everyone sees eye-to-eye with Miss Burton. She finds a few allies, Joe Astell being one; but the sparks really start to fly when she crosses paths with Robert Carne, a haughty landlord whom she despises...
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