
原名:Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке   又名:SKAZKA O RYBAKE I RYBKE

状态:32播放   更新:2023-08-23 03:08:10

Жили-были старик со старухой у самого синего моря. Закинул невод старик в море и поймал рыбку, да не простую, а золотую...The old man and his wife lived by the sea. The old man got the livelihood of fishing, and once caught in his network an unusual goldfish, able to speak the human language. The fish begged to let her go to sea, and the old man let her go without asking for a reward. Returning home, he told about what happened to his wife. She called him a fool and a simpleton, but demanded that he return to the sea, called the fish and demanded a reward.
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