年轻的戈德蒙德(詹尼斯·尼沃纳)由他的父亲派去马里亚布龙修道院学习,并会见了虔诚的n修道院学生纳西苏斯(萨宾·坦布雷亚)。水仙致力于修道院的禁欲和严格的生活规则与心脏和灵魂,起初戈德蒙德试图跟随他。两人之间的亲密友谊很快发展起来,但浮躁和爱好乐趣的金嘴很快意识到,修道院给他的生活视角与他的自由思想不一致,在水仙子的鼓励下,踏上了充满冒险的旅程,在此期间,他终于遇到了他伟大的爱勒尼(亨利特·康布里乌斯)。但多年后,水仙和戈德蒙德在戏剧性的环境中再次相遇...The young Goldmund is sent by his father to study in the monastery Mariabronn and meets there on the religious monastic student Narcissus. Narcissus has dedicated himself to the ascetic and austere life in the monastery with heart and soul and Goldmund first tries to imitate him. An intimate friendship soon develops between the two, but the boisterous and fun-loving Goldmund soon realizes that the life perspective the convent offers does not match his ideas of freedom and, emboldened by Narcissus, embarks on a journey full of adventure in which he finally meets his great love Lene. But years later, Narcissus and Goldmund meet again under dramatic circumstances .
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