作为"海军罪案调查处"的衍生剧,"海军罪案调查处: 洛杉矶"如今已独当一面。   刺激的爆炸场面,明与暗的较量是该剧的主要基调。角色之间相亲相爱充满笑料的对话也为剧情增添了一抹亮彩,甚至已超越剧情成了观众们最为津津乐道的部分。   第三季末,随着终极大boss变色龙浮出水面,双方对峙棋局也越铺越大,Mike Renko和Hunter探员相继殉职,Hetty再次提交辞呈,Callen(看似)冲动的举动导致其被捕。这队人马到底会落得什么结局?抑或这其实是Hetty带领下的又一个诱敌迷局?The LAPD releases G after an overnight stay in jail; Sam meets him; the two exchange words; G leaves in a taxicab with a tail. At the boatshed Kensi and Deeks talk with Atley, who describes certain matters, including an insurance policy nearby; while Sam watches, an Iranian briefly chats up G, who soon walks away; another Iranian approaches Hetty, but she brushes him off; later G sees the two Iranians together, and he makes a deal with them; the CIA demands an immediate arrest of G; Granger asks Nell for a warrant for both murder and treason; Deeks picks up an item from a bank, company pursues, and fireworks ensue; Deeks drops a briefcase, and an Iranian picks it up; Eric snoops and produces; the Iranians beat and question G; Sam, Kensi, and Deeks make a road trip and take a passenger; the team make another swap; Sam hands G's badge and piece back to him; Hetty returns to her office, and Granger returns her resignation; the two of them chat about their "audacious plan".
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