
剧情 犯罪  瑞典   2002  俄语   瑞典语   英语   波兰语 

原名:Lilya 4-ever   又名:永远的微笑 / 永远的莉亚

状态:HD   更新:2024-01-23 08:01:22

莫斯科街头,花季少女莉莉亚(奥莎娜·阿金什那 Oksana Akinshina饰)正向朋友吹嘘即将随母亲移居美国。可到家之后,母亲告诉她要留下来跟姑妈生活。而姑妈则趁机霸占她的房子,把她赶到一幢肮脏破旧的公寓去住。莉莉亚那童话般的幻想瞬间崩塌,此时她终于相信被母亲遗弃了。孤独无助的莉莉亚只能从她唯一的朋友男孩沃洛佳(波古查史基 Artyom Bogucharsky饰)那里得到一丝安慰。为了活下去,莉莉亚也被迫走上了靠出卖肉体为生的道路。当善良天真的莉莉亚以为遇到真爱的时候,便不顾一切的去了瑞典。可她又怎会知道,这地狱般的生活其实才刚刚开始……   童星奥莎娜·阿金什那凭借这个角色获得2002年欧洲电影奖最佳女演员的提名。While waiting for her mothers reply to take her to the USA, Lilya idles the time away smoking, drinking and having fun with her, too, outcast friend Volodya. In time, the chance of a new life becomes non-existent; her life is going nowhere. Meeting a young man, she then finds a plane ticket in her hand and a new life in Sweden: a job, an apartment and prospects. All is not what it seems. There shall be work, there shall be housing and there shall be no escape. This is the stark, frank and disturbing vision of the life of a young victim of the underground sex trade and in all its tone of realism of abject poverty, despicable actions and of wanting to show that dreaming of a better life is not a crime but that life can shatter the illusion of a happy ending.
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