
原名:Khumba   又名:酷巴-寻斑大冒险(台) / 斑马库巴 / 库姆巴

状态:HD   更新:2024-03-04 10:03:49

在荒凉炎热的戈壁峡谷,唯一的水源处,斑马们正进行快乐的游戏。巨大岩石的阴凉处,一匹母斑马拼尽全力生下了一只小宝宝。然而令斑马们震惊的是,这只新生儿只有前半身有条纹,后半身雪白一片。伙伴们大肆嘲笑这个名叫库巴(杰克·T·奥斯汀 Jake T. Austin 饰)的小可怜,甚至认为它是不幸的象征。太阳继续散发着苦毒的热量,水源越来越少,干旱悄然来临,死亡正悄悄逼近。   从妈妈的口中,库巴听说了斑马身上条纹的由来。虚弱的妈妈最终被死神带走,库巴也决定去寻找传说中那个魔法水潭,只为变成一匹真正的斑马。不谙世事的小家伙,就此踏上了凶险和充满希望的旅程……A half-striped zebra is born into an insular, isolated herd obsessed with stripes. Rumors that the strange foal is cursed spread and, before long, he is blamed for the drought that sets into the Great Karoo. When even his father, the leader of the herd, blames him for the lack of rain and the subsequent death of his mother, the outcast zebra leaves the confines of his home knowing that he cannot survive in the herd without all his stripes. Khumba ventures beyond the fence - vulnerable to the ferocious Leopard, Phango, who controls the waterholes and terrorizes the animals in the Great Karoo. Khumba is rescued from an opportunistic wild dog by a quirky duo: a wildebeest and an ostrich. Mama V is a self-confessed free spirit who does not want to be the average stay-at-home mom, like other wildebeest. Ironically, she mothers Bradley, a flamboyant but insecure ostrich who overcompensates for his scraggily feathers. When a mystical mantis appears to the foal, drawing a map to what could be interpreted as either water or stripes, the duo join Khumba on his quest in the hope that their own search for a safe waterhole is over. On their journey, Khumba encounters a colorful range of characters including a migrating herd of Springbok in search of greener (and safer) pastures; a new age, bohemian community living safely within the confines of a luxurious national park; an endangered Riverine Rabbit who has survived extinction by mastering a myriad of skills ranging from impersonations to beat-boxing; a group of hysterical Dassies (rock-rabbits) who fanatically worship the Mighty Black Eagle and Nora, a loony, solitary Merino sheep living on an abandoned farm. Through these interactions, Khumba begins to learn that diversity is essential for survival and that one's difference can, in fact, be one's strength.
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