
原名:고호의 별이 빛나는 밤에   又名:고호의 별이 빛나는 밤에 / Goho The Starry Night / Evaluation Queen

状态:20集全   更新:2024-01-23 06:01:42

“少女时代”权俞利在新剧《评价女王》中,饰演了一个“喜欢给任何事物评分”的女生,没想到这评分却为她吸引了五个男人的告白,最终哪颗星会赢得她的心?The Starry Night is a Chinese-South Korean collaboration web drama. At twenty-nine-years-old, Go Ho faces the struggles of the modern day woman, namely the struggles to succeed in work and romance in the 21st Century. An advertisement contractor who is unlucky in love, Go Ho works hard to be successful with her career, and only thinks of romance as an afterthought. But one day, an old flame turns up, taking on the role of her new boss, and suddenly it seems like every man is looking her way. Will the dust settle long enough for her to make the right romantic choices?