
原名:Chasing Liberty   又名:奔向自由 / 千金可人儿

状态:HD   更新:2024-01-23 07:01:02

美国女孩安娜(迪•摩尔 Mandy Moore 饰)和其他18岁女孩看起来没什么不一样,一样的青春无敌、精力充沛,不过,她有一个当总统的父亲。因为她是第一女儿,所以她必须时时刻刻保持完美形象,生活永远在镁光灯下。而且福斯特总统对她很严厉,身边总有一队保镖贴身保护,安娜完全没有一点自由。   这次,安娜随父亲一起访问欧洲。本以为处处顺从父亲就能换来一点自由:晚上自由自在和好友加布里――法国驻美大使的女儿――去泡吧。没想到,性感火辣的两个美女在吧里竟然无人问津,原来又是父亲派来了保镖暗中护花。愤怒的安娜乔装打扮后撇下保镖逃出了酒吧,就此展开了她的“逃亡之旅”。Anna Foster has never had an ordinary life. At eighteen years old, she is the most protected girl in America; she is the First Daughter. Frustrated with her overprotective father, the President of the United States of America, Anna makes a deal with him: only two agents are allowed to guard her while she attends a concert in Prague. When her father backs out of his promise, Anna flies into a temper and goes on the run with Ben Calder, a handsome photographer she runs into outside of the music club. They travel together with the intention of going to the Love Parade in Berlin. Anna hasn't told Ben who she is but more importantly, Ben hasn't told her who he is. Under the orders of Anna's father, Ben is supposed to keep an eye on the rebellious girl but falling in love with her wasn't something he expected to do. Romance blossoms between the wild, sassy Anna and the cool, distant Ben as they backpack through Europe. Problem is, when it is time to go back and Anna finds out about Ben, what will happen to the two lovers?
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