亚契是一个十七岁的高中生,喜欢拿着摄影机记录下身边的一切。最近他宣布自己为了完成一项课堂论文,将在摄影机前自杀。他的同学、父母、学校里最美丽的女孩西耶拉等人都纷纷前来与亚契交流:一些人试图拯救他,一些人试图模仿他,另一些人则想推他一把。而亚契用摄影机记录下了他身边发生的所有一切,揭开了这所高中的伪善的面貌,反映出了这些高中生真实的欲望、恐惧和野心。Archie Williams is a 17-year old media geek who has suddenly found himself the most talked-about kid in school. He has announced that he's going to kill himself- on camera- for a class project. His classmates, parents, Sierra- the most beautiful girl in school, and a "Shady Bunch" of shrinks, doctors, pill-pushers, and counselors descend on Archie. Some are hoping to save him, some want to imitate him, others try to push him over the brink. Archie films every moment of his high school experience, hiding nothing from his audience: realities of life, death, violence, sex, drugs, and the intense media overload and hypocrisy that bombard all teenagers.
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