
原名:Bergmál   又名:Echo

状态:HD   更新:2023-08-23 09:08:06

正值冰岛圣诞节之际。当所有人正为节日做准备时,一种特殊的气氛笼罩在这座城市之上,流露出既兴奋又担忧的情绪。在乡村中部地区,一座废弃的农场正在燃烧。在学校里,儿童唱诗班正在吟唱圣诞颂歌。在屠宰场,鸡沿着围栏游行。在博物馆,一位母亲正在电话里与她的前夫争吵。在起居室里,小女孩正在让她的祖母试戴她的虚拟现实头盔……通过56个场景,影片描绘了一幅现代社会尖锐而又温柔的肖像。Iceland, Christmas time. As everyone prepares for the holidays, a peculiar atmosphere falls upon the country revealing emotions of both excitement and concern. In the middle of the countryside, an abandoned farm is burning. In a school, a children's choir is singing Christmas carols. In a slaughterhouse, chickens are parading along a rail. In a museum, a mother is arguing with her ex-husband on the phone. In a living room, a young girl is making her grandmother try on her new virtual reality headset - Through 56 scenes, Echo draws a portrait, both biting and tender, of modern society.
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