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原名:Times & Measures   又名:

状态:15播放   更新:2023-08-18 09:08:04

为挣钱维持生计,单身母亲科琳娜(Corina)买了一部二手手机,但里面有一张SIM卡。 当她尝试将其删除时,手机开始响铃。 这是她不能拒绝的提议。When mother Corina and daughter Melanie wake up one morning to find a 'sorry' note from husband and father Desmond, the two are left desolate. Struggling to find work and with bills piling up, Corina is becoming desperate and in a fit of anger smashes her mobile phone. She is forced to buy a cheap second-hand phone, but upon returning it home she notices a sim card still wedged inside, when suddenly the phone starts to ring. Times and Measures pushes the boundaries of feature-length narrative fiction, focusing solely on the relationship between a mother and her daughter, struggling in hard times. Prepared to do anything to keep them afloat, when one missed call turns into an opportunity to escape this torment the two are living in, Corina is left with no choice but to accept the offer, taking her on a dark and dangerous path that could destroy everything - or help them to survive. Full of dark twists and turns, Times and Measures is a feature film that will give audiences a viewing ...






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