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Shadow on the Mountains

原名:Shadow on the Mountains   又名:

状态:1播放   更新:2023-08-18 08:08:59

暂无简介Filmed in Ceredigion, this early piece from the British documentary movement is a hymn to hill country - modernist and romantic by turns, and visually very striking. Arthur Elton's film contrasts two pursuits in a former lead-mining valley stripped of nutrition: traditional sheep herding and new scientific methods for restoring the pasture, developed at Aberystwyth's Welsh Plant Breeding Station. The film was released in two versions, Experiment in the Welsh Hills and Shadow on the Mountains. Arthur Elton, a core member of the documentary movement started by John Grierson at the Empire Marketing Board, remembered embarking on this, his first directorial project, without really knowing how films should be made. That makes his assured eye for dramatic compositions of the mountainous landscape, and of props and people framed against it, all the more remarkable. Reflecting the twin focus of his subject, there is a certain duality to Elton's style: keenly referencing the modernist leanings...






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