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原名:ONE PIECE THE MOVIE オマツリ男爵と秘密の島   又名:

状态:BD   更新:2024-01-21 02:01:23

某天,草帽海贼团的诸位拾到一个漂流瓶。根据漂流瓶中的信息,在伟大航路上有一个娱乐至上的狂欢岛,靓女、美酒、佳肴应有尽有,是一个海贼中的海贼最值得去的地方。众人几乎未作过多迟疑,扬帆便向狂欢岛挺进。然而到达目的地才发现,这却是一个渺无人烟的荒凉小岛。当然好戏还在后头,他们很快便发现一个超级华丽的乐园。乐园的主人狂欢男爵承诺赐予众人天堂般的享受与欢乐,不过在此之前,他们还必须经过地狱般的试炼。已被“勇猛海贼”虚名冲昏头脑的路飞不顾众人阻拦,带着大家开始了一场莫名其妙的探险之中……   本片根据日本漫画家尾田荣一郎的同名原著改编,是2005年上映的第六部动画剧场版。The Straw Hat Pirates received an advertisement on a recreational island. The offers all looked promising, so they sailed to the island for an opportunity to kick back and relax from their journey across the Grand Line. The site of the resort looks like a dream come true. Only our heroes find themselves greeted by the head of the island: Baron Omatsuri. He asks all 7 of them to compete in a series of contests for their granted relaxation. Luffy accepts the challenge, and they all find this island to be not so average. There is however a mystery shrouded on the recreational paradise. Such as why are the Straw Hat Pirates the only tourists around? And why is Baron hold the only flower of the island?
Its Bruno S01E08 720p WEBRip x264-STRiFE

资源名:Its Bruno S01E08 720p WEBRip x264-STRiFE




资源名:Its Bruno S01E08 720p WEBRip x264-STRiFE

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