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原名:野ブタ。をプロデュース   又名:

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-21 02:01:43

高中生桐谷修二(龟梨和也饰)是学校里的人气王,为人八面玲珑,深受老师和同学喜爱,还有个人人称羡的女朋友真理子(戸田恵梨香饰),但事实上,他从来只是把这一切当作无聊的游戏,就像戴着假面般,说话做事全然不是出自真心。最让修二头疼的是同班的怪人草野彰(山下智久饰),说话做事全不按牌理出牌,还自称了解修二老是缠着他。   某日,班里来了一位转学生小谷信子(堀北真希饰),总是面无表情沉默不语的她很快遭到了女生们的排挤和欺负,“这是个我无法生存的世界,再怎样努力也无济于事。”听到信子说出这样丧气的话,心生同情的修二和彰萌生了帮助她的念头,他们拟定了名为“野猪大改造”的计划,一步一步将信子从自闭的阴影中脱离,成为受欢迎的对象。Shuji (Kamenashi Kazuya) is one of the most popular guy in school. He tries to avoid Akira (Tomohisa Yamashita), because of his constant annoyance. But Kame isn't just like that. At home, he's a total different person. He goes to a willow tree every morning, because he made a pact to go to it every morning. One day, when going to the tree, he is extremely shocked to see it gone. And suddenly, he sees a girl emerge from behind the stone where the tree once stood upon. She jokes about how it wasn't the best place to kill herself, but he is terrified and runs away. The next day, at school, he seems to be his popular self again, and the girl turns out to be a new student...in his class!! She is bullied by the mean girls, especially Bando. Shuji and Akira then decide to produce the girl, who is given the name "Nobuta", to one of the most popular girls in school!
Nobuta wo Produce ep02 (704x396 DivX511) RAW

资源名:Nobuta wo Produce ep02 (704x396 DivX511) RAW

类型:TV Episodes



资源名:Nobuta wo Produce ep02 (704x396 DivX511) RAW

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