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Dead Man's Line

原名:Dead Man's Line   又名:

状态:91播放   更新:2023-08-18 06:08:01

Tony Kiritsis was "mad as hell and wasn't going to take it anymore." So he rigged a shotgun to his banker's neck and decided to extract personal vengeance.On the morning of February 8, 1977, Tony Kiritsis walked into an office on East Market Street and wired a shotgun to mortgage broker Richard Hall's head. After making a 40-minute 911 call that ran the emotional gamut from polite respect to seething rants and tearful breakdowns, Kiritsis then paraded Hall along the streets of downtown Indianapolis followed by a cadre of police and media who were unable to do anything other than watch the event unfold. Kiritsis went on to hold Hall captive for three days as SWAT snipers, the bomb squad, and FBI looked for a way to disarm him without Hall being shot. The crisis culminated in a shocking press conference broadcast live on TV.






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