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动画 冒险  印度   2019  英语   韩语 

原名:Arctic Dogs   又名:

状态:正片   更新:2024-01-21 03:01:11

北极狐Swifty在北极“爆裂”运输公司的收发室工作,却梦想着加入由哈士奇组成的Top Dog——该公司的明星邮递员队伍。某天他为了证明自己的能力,挪用了雪橇把一个神秘的邮件送到一处秘密堡垒,与本片反派——胖乎乎的海象博士狭路相逢,这个博士有着人造四肢,手下是一群礼貌得很诡异的角嘴海雀。北极狐很快发现博士的邪恶计划:要融化北极冰盖来淹没世界,统治全球。于是北极狐组织了他的朋友们:内向的北极熊PB、老是开小差的信天翁Lemmy、阴谋论者水獭Sal和Weez、坚韧的机械师狐狸Jade。这支杂牌军要对抗邪恶,拯救世界。Swifty the Arctic Fox (Jeremy Renner) works in the mailroom of the Arctic Blast Delivery Service, but he has much bigger dreams. He yearns to become a Top Dog, the Arctic's star husky couriers. To prove he can do it, he commandeers one of the sleds and delivers a mysterious package to a secret location. Once there, he stumbles on a hidden fortress overseen by the nefarious Otto Von Walrus (John Cleese). The blubbery evil genius commands an army of oddly polite puffin henchmen. Swifty discovers Otto Von Walrus' villainous plan to drill beneath the snow-packed surface to unleash masses of ancient gas to melt the Arctic and become the world's supreme ruler. To stop this sinister scheme, Swifty enlists the help of his friends: PB (Alec Baldwin), a neurotic polar bear, Lemmy (James Franco), a scatterbrained albatross, Jade Fox (Heidi Klum), a brainy engineer, Leopold (Omar Sy) and Bertha (Heidi Klum), two conspiracy theorist otters and Magda (Anjelica Huston), his curmudgeonly boss.






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