
原名:我就是这般女子   又名:

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-23 06:01:10

这是一个被退婚三次的魔系女子和才貌冠绝天下的君子携手虐汪的故事。也是一个梦到自己满门抄斩命运的“霉运”女主。表面外向、性格直爽泼辣但实际上心地善良而又细腻的女主班婳,被莫名其妙地退婚三次,性格大喇喇的她不改自己的爽朗做派直面外界的口舌,却外的发现自己有可以通过梦境预知未来的能力。能预知未來的梦境让善良的班婳决定帮助自己的家人避开厄运。与此同时,为了解开当年灭门之谜的绝世男主容瑕潜心在朝中追逐着自己身世的真相,并机缘巧合下遇见了这般女子班婳。二人携手步步解开秘密,并相爱一生。Ban Hua looks like an extroverted and piquant young girl, but she is actually a kind-hearted and delicate person. Ban realizes by chance that she has the ability of predicting the future through her dreams and decides to use the ability to help her family avoid bad lucks. Meanwhile, handsome talented young man Rong Xia is chasing the truth of his origin in the imperial court. The two team up to solve many mysteries and fall in love ultimately.
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