事实真相 第一季

原名:PSI Factor: Chronicles Of The Paranormal   又名:事实真相

状态:119播放   更新:2023-08-23 11:08:34

These stories are inspired by the actual case files of the Office of Scientific Investigation and Research (O.S.I.R.).   类似于X档案的电视剧。讲的是一群科学家对各处超自然现象的研究。是一集一集的小故事,类似于名侦探柯南。   每一集开头有一个象新闻播报员的人先出来讲一些话。   比X档案高明之处在于他有很多科研的成分,PSI的每一个人都是科学家。他们有一部大房车,里面是齐全的科研设备,他们开着它游走世界。   http://baike.baidu.com/view/1389582.htmA team of scientific researchers belonging to a scientific group that investigates reports of paranormal phenomena. A procedural format that follows a hand-full of characters on their assigned cases, the investigations would either be determined to have rational/explainable causes or be determined to be paranormal in-nature. Loosely inspired by a real-life organization and true-events.
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