
原名:Le puritain   又名:妓女

状态:137播放   更新:2023-08-23 11:08:55

本片改编自莱姆·奥法拉赫蒂的小说,描述一名宗教狂热份子法兰西斯深信所有关于“性”的事物都是罪大恶极的,然而在他发现自己爱上女孩子后,他这种偏激的想法整个改变了。由于这是法兰西斯的初恋,所以特别爱得无法自拔,很快就对女孩的其他男友产生妒忌之心。不久他发现自己的意中人竟然跟另一个男人有染,顿时怒不可遏,出手杀了自己所爱的女孩。其后,法兰西斯的清教徒道德感完全抛诸脑后,开始酗酒、嫖妓,做尽荒唐事。最后警察把他拘捕。在审讯时,清教徒疯疯癫癫地辩护说:“我是一个降世到凡间的天使,目的是要惩罚和自己有同样弱点的人。”A religious fanatic finds his entire life and philosophy turned upside-down as he falls in love with a girl and kills her in a jealous rage. His search is for peace of mind and a desire to justify the murder of the girl to himself. His mind becomes distraught as he gropes trying to rationalize his deed and his world falls apart around him. A police inspector patiently and tirelessly stays on Barrault's trail, without putting him under arrest, though convinced he is the murderer, and waiting for the moment when he feels Barrault will break under the strain of his own religious fanaticism.
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