
原名:Si c'était de l'amour   又名:If It Were Love

状态:58播放   更新:2023-08-23 10:08:25

在闪耀着霓虹灯光的空旷舞台上,15名不同出身背景和视野的年轻舞者伴随着令人陶醉的Techno音乐,开始了一场具有超强感染力的肢体力量舞蹈。第70届柏林电影节泰迪熊得主《如果这是爱》将舞蹈与舞者的亲密对话交织成章,讨论他们如何从个人体验中汲取经验来完成角色的融入,舞台场景模糊了虚构与现实的边界,允许人们进一步质疑亲密情感和身体吸引力之间的复杂性。They are fifteen young dancers of various origins and horizons. They are touring Crowd, Gisèle Vienne's dance piece on the 90's rave scene. Following them from theatre to theatre, If It Were Love documents their work as well as their strange, intimate relationships. For the line becomes blurry. The stage seems to contaminate real life - unless the opposite is happening. From a dance documentary, the film thus grows into a troubling journey into our nights, our parties, our loves.
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