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原名:The 4th Floor   又名:

状态:99播放   更新:2023-08-18 03:08:29

珍(茱莉叶露易丝饰)继承了姑妈的公寓,想尝试独居的滋味,故决定搬离男友奎格(威廉赫特饰)的房子。奎格虽不高兴,但却无法反驳珍的理由。在珍搬入公寓后,她却发现四楼的邻居对她怀有敌意,不只不时向她投掷恶意的纸条,且常用力敲打她的地板。当她的公寓某天布满蟑螂及怪虫时,珍终于忍 无可忍,破门而入4楼邻居的家里,但最后却遭人击昏。珍醒来后,没人相信她曾遭受攻击,到底是谁在搞鬼?而目的又为何?A young woman moves into a new apartment that she inherited from her grandmother, who had died there in a bizarre accident. She is immediately confronted by totally bizarre neighbors and someone is obviously out to get her as rats and flies engulf her apartment. But with the array of weirdos around her, who might it be? Everyone warns her to stay away from her upstairs neighbor, but he is the only one who shows any kindness. Supposedly the neighbor below her is an 80 year old woman, but she hammers the floor so hard when the young woman moves furniture that she breaks tiles. Another neighbor seems kind enough to begin with, but later seems more interfering and threatening. Also her weatherman boyfriend can't be ruled out. Contrary to his desire for her to move in with him, she moved into their apartment.






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