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原名:Tchindas   又名:

状态:41播放   更新:2023-08-18 10:08:09

钦达斯是佛得角其中一个最受喜爱的女性,尤其是当她于1998年在本地报纸上表明自己的变性人身份后。从那时起,她的名字成为了当地人用来称呼“佛得角”同志的字眼。虽然她十分有名,但她一直保持低调,每个下午她都很快乐地到访邻里,向他们销售最好的“鸡肉包”,一种传统巴西小吃:美味的炸鸡球。但每到二月,所有事情都会改变。这是当地嘉年华前的一个月,岛上节奏缓慢的气氛变得忙碌喧嚣,熙熙攘攘。嘉年华的前一天更是繁忙,当地人合力从零开始创造一些漂亮的东西。那里成为了“小巴西”—他们最为赞赏的歌手“赤脚歌后”(CesáriaÉvora) (1941 - 2011)认为其中一首最受欢迎的morna歌曲。这部纪录片就像一趟旅程,带观众认识非洲未知、从未想像过的一面。Tchinda is one of most beloved women in Cape Verde, especially after she came out as a transgender person in the local newspaper in 1998. Since then, her name has become the term used by locals to name queer Cape Verdeans. Despite her great reputation, Tchinda remains humble and every afternoon she happily tours the neighborhood to sell her best "coxinhas", a classic Brazilian treat: delicious fried balls of chicken. But every February all changes. It's the month leading up to their Carnival, when the slow-paced atmosphere of the island transforms into a frenzied hustle and bustle as thousands flock to the streets. The days before the Carnival are hectic. Locals join forces to create something beautiful out of nothing. It becomes a «Little Brazil» as their most acclaimed singer, Cesária Évora (1941-2011), defined in one of her most famous "mornas". This documentary is as trip to an unknown side of Africa that very few may have ever imagined.






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